How to Make a Website for Cheap

In today’s digital landscape, a website is a non-negotiable asset for both businesses and personal brands. If you’re on a tight budget, you might be wondering how to make a website for cheap. The good news is that you don’t have to spend a fortune to create a professional-looking website. 

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of building a website without breaking the bank. Let’s get started!

What you'll learn

  • How to choose the right website builder and web hosting service to fit your specific needs and goals.
  • The importance of customizing your website design, complete with practical tips for optimizing visual elements and user experience.
  • A straightforward guide to adding essential content and pages that resonate with your target audience.
  • Actionable insights for optimizing your website for search engines, including the use of keywords and meta descriptions to improve your site's ranking

Can you build a website for cheap?

Absolutely. You can build a website on a budget and still achieve a professional look and functionality. Today, there are many tools and platforms that make website creation easy for everyone, regardless of tech skills or budget. 

The key is to be smart about your choices, from selecting an affordable yet robust website builder to optimizing your site for search engines without splurging on expensive plugins or services. 

Whether you’re a small business owner, a freelancer, or someone with a hobby you’re passionate about sharing, don’t let financial limitations hold you back. There are many paths to creating an impressive website without emptying your wallet. 

Stick around, because this guide is designed to walk you through each step of the process, from choosing a website builder to launching your site, all while keeping an eye on affordability. So, yes, not only can you build a website for cheap, but you can also make it fantastic.

Step 1: Choose the right website builder

Choosing the best website builder is one of the first important choices you will need to make in your quest for an online presence. 

A website builder is a platform that provides the tools you need to create and design a website without having to code it from scratch. They offer various templates, design elements, and an interface that allows you to drag and drop these elements to create your site. 

A web host, on the other hand, is a service that keeps your website files online and makes them accessible; it is where your website “lives” online. While some website builders include hosting as part of their service, the two are fundamentally different components of website creation, which you’ll learn more about in step three.

I’ve navigated through this maze myself, and trust me, the choice isn’t easy, but it’s essential. With options ranging from Wix to WordPress, Squarespace, and even WPMU DEV—which is who I currently use—there’s a builder to fit almost every need and budget. Here’s the lowdown on each:


Wix is a drag-and-drop website builder that is easy to use for beginners.
  • Affordability: Wix offers a free version that comes with a Wix-branded domain. Premium plans start as low as $14 per month.
  • Ease of Use: Known for its intuitive drag-and-drop editor, Wix is an excellent choice for beginners.
  • Customization: With an extensive library of templates and add-ons, Wix allows for plenty of customization, albeit within the confines of their predetermined layouts.


Squarespace is a hosted platform with a focus on design. It offers a variety of off-the-shelf templates that will help you launch your new website quickly.
  • Affordability: Unlike Wix, Squarespace doesn’t offer a free version. Pricing starts at $12 per month.
  • Ease of Use: Known for its user-friendly interface, Squarespace is less flexible than WordPress but offers a more streamlined experience.
  • Customization: While the design templates are somewhat limited, they are of high quality and visually appealing.


WordPress is a self-hosted platform that gives you more control over your website.
  • Affordability: WordPress itself is free to use, but you’ll need to pay for hosting. Luckily, there are budget-friendly hosting options available.
  • Ease of Use: While it requires some technical know-how, WordPress offers unparalleled control over every aspect of your website.
  • Customization: With access to thousands of themes and plugins, the customization possibilities are virtually endless.


WPMU DEV is a premium WordPress plugin that provides a wide range of features and functionality for building and managing websites. If you are serious about building and managing WordPress websites, WPMU DEV is a valuable tool that can save you time and frustration.
  • Affordability: WPMU DEV hosting starts at $10 per month, making it a budget-friendly option for WordPress users.
  • Ease of Use: Targeted at WordPress users, it assumes some level of comfort with the platform but offers excellent customer support.
  • Customization: With a range of plugins designed to extend WordPress functionality, WPMU DEV adds an extra layer of customization to your site.

If you’re a complete beginner looking for an all-in-one solution, Wix is probably your best bet. For those who want total control and are willing to tackle a steeper learning curve, WordPress is unparalleled. 

If you’re a WordPress aficionado looking for robust hosting and additional customization options, WPMU DEV is worth a look. And for those who want a balance of ease and aesthetics, Squarespace holds its own.

Step 2: Choose a domain name

Selecting a domain name is like naming your firstborn—it’s a big deal and something you’ll be stuck with for a long time. When I was setting up my content agency, I spent a good chunk of time brainstorming and researching to find the perfect name. Here’s a guide to help you with this important step.

Keep it simple and memorable

The best domain names are easy to spell and easy to remember. You want people to recall your website name effortlessly, so avoid complicated words or spellings. I initially toyed with some clever but complicated names but quickly realized they’d be more of a hindrance than a help.

Example: Local coffee shop

If you own a local coffee shop, you might be tempted to go for a quirky or overly creative name like “” However, that’s a mouthful and hard to remember. Something simple like “” is easier for customers to recall.

Make it relevant and descriptive

Your domain name should give people an idea of what your website is about. When I chose my domain, I wanted it to reflect both the content and agency aspects of my business. This helps in setting expectations right from the get-go.

Example: Dog grooming

If you run a pet grooming service, your domain name should reflect that. A name like “” immediately tells potential customers what your business is about, as opposed to something vague like “”

Consider SEO

While it’s not a must, having keywords in your domain name can help with search engine rankings. However, don’t force it. Google’s algorithms are smart enough to rank your site based on content quality, so focus on a name that aligns with your brand rather than just stuffing it with keywords.

Example: Local bookstore

If you own a local bookstore that specializes in mystery novels, incorporating relevant keywords can help. A name like “” can give you an SEO edge.

Check for availability and trademarks

Before you get your heart set on a name, make sure it’s available and not trademarked by another company. The last thing you want is legal trouble down the road. I used domain search tools and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s database to double-check my chosen name.

Example: Flower shop

Before settling on “” for your flower shop, use domain search tools and check trademark databases to ensure the name is available and won’t infringe on another business. I did this for my content agency to avoid any legal snags down the line.

Choose the right domain extension

While “.com” is the most popular and easiest to remember, there are plenty of other extensions like “.net,” “.org,” or even more specific ones like “.blog” or “.agency.” I went with “.com” because it’s universally recognized, but depending on your business, a different extension might be more appropriate.

Example: Organic food store

While “.com” is the go-to, other extensions can work well if they fit your business. An organic food store could opt for “” to emphasize its specialized offering.

Think long-term

Your domain name is a long-term commitment. Changing it later can be a complicated, SEO-damaging process. So think about how the name will fit as your business evolves. I chose a name that was broad enough to allow for business growth in different directions.

Example: Yoga studio

If you own a fitness studio that currently only offers yoga but plans to expand into other types of fitness classes, choose a name that won’t box you in. Instead of “,” you might go for “”

Step 3: Set up web hosting

Navigating the world of web hosting can feel like walking through a maze, especially if you’re new to the game. 

Trust me, I’ve been there. When I first launched my content agency, I had to sift through a sea of jargon and options. 

So, let’s break down the types of web hosting providers to help you make an informed decision.

Shared hosting: The starter pack

Think of shared hosting as living in a dormitory. You share resources like bandwidth and storage with other websites on the same server. It’s the most budget-friendly option and is great for small websites or blogs that don’t require a lot of resources. 

However, if one website on the server experiences a traffic surge, it could slow down all the others. I started with shared hosting, and it was a good stepping stone, but I quickly outgrew it as my agency took off.

VPS hosting: The middle ground

VPS stands for Virtual Private Server. Imagine renting an apartment in a building. You have neighbors, but you don’t share resources to the same extent as shared hosting. You have a dedicated portion of the server’s resources, offering better performance and more control. 

When my website traffic started to grow, I switched to VPS hosting. It gave me the flexibility I needed without breaking the bank.

Dedicated hosting: The private estate

With dedicated hosting, you’re renting the entire server. No sharing, period. This is ideal for large businesses or websites with high traffic volumes. You have full control over the server, but it comes at a premium price. I haven’t needed to go this route yet, but it’s something I’m considering as my business continues to expand.

Cloud hosting: The future-proof option

Cloud hosting is like having an entire apartment complex to yourself, but you only pay for the rooms you use. Resources are spread across multiple servers, offering excellent reliability and scalability. If one server goes down, another picks up the slack. 

I’ve been eyeing this option as it offers a lot of room for growth and is perfect for handling traffic spikes.

Managed WordPress hosting: The specialized service

If you’re running a WordPress site, managed WordPress hosting can be a godsend. They handle all the technical stuff like updates, backups, and security, allowing you to focus on content and design. 

I’ve used this for some client projects, and the convenience is hard to beat.

How to choose the best web hosting for your site

When choosing a hosting provider, consider factors like uptime, customer support, and additional features like SSL certificates and one-click WordPress installations. Websites like Business Queensland and Website Setup offer comprehensive guides on selecting the right web hosting.

  • Don’t let features you don’t need influence your decision; instead, give priority to essential add-ons like security and backups.
  • Opt for a scalable hosting plan that can adapt to your business’s needs.
  • Test the customer support team’s responsiveness and expertise before making a decision.
  • Read the fine print to avoid hidden costs and unexpected fees.

Navigating the maze of add-ons and features

Once you’ve narrowed down your hosting type and provider, you’ll often encounter a plethora of add-ons and features that can be both enticing and confusing. From my experience running a one-person content agency, it’s easy to get lured into the “more is better” mindset. 

However, not all add-ons are essential for every business. For instance, while automated backups and security features are generally good investments, you might not need a premium SEO tool suite if you’re already proficient in that area.

Importance of scaleability

Another key aspect I’ve found is scalability. When I started, I opted for a hosting plan that allowed me to easily upgrade or downgrade based on my needs. This flexibility was invaluable as my website traffic fluctuated and eventually grew. Providers like SiteGround and InMotion Hosting offer scalable solutions that can adapt to your changing requirements.

Don’t overlook customer support

Customer support is often an underrated factor when choosing a hosting provider. I’ve had my share of technical hiccups, and having a responsive, knowledgeable support team made a world of difference. Before committing, I recommend checking out reviews or even reaching out to the support team with some test questions to gauge their expertise and responsiveness.

Hidden costs

Be wary of hidden costs. Some hosting providers lure you in with low initial prices but have a lot of hidden fees and upsells. Always read the fine print and understand what you’re committing to. I learned this the hard way when I was hit with a renewal rate that was significantly higher than the introductory rate.

By investing time in understanding your hosting options and aligning them with your business needs, you set the stage for a more robust and reliable online presence. It’s not just about getting your website live; it’s about ensuring it performs optimally for the long haul.

Step 4: Customize Your Website Design

After you’ve set up your hosting and decided on a platform, it’s time to focus on customizing your website’s design. As someone who’s been through the process, I can tell you that this stage is incredibly important. 

Your website’s design is more than just an aesthetic choice; it’s an extension of your brand and a functional tool for your business.

Choose a template

Most website builders offer a variety of templates to get you started. In my experience, choosing a template is about finding a balance between aesthetics and function. You’ll want a template that not only fits your brand’s look but also suits the type of content you’ll be publishing. 

Websites like Squarespace, which offer stylish templates and also categorize them by industry or purpose, make it simpler to find the ideal template.

Personalize the design

Once you’ve chosen a template, now it’s your turn to make it unique. This involves customizing various elements like color schemes, fonts, and even button styles. For my one-person content agency, I kept my palette and fonts consistent with my brand image. 

Websites like WordPress Support and Hostinger Tutorials are excellent resources for tutorials and tips on customization. Don’t underestimate this step; your website should echo your brand identity with every click.

User experience is key

It’s critical to design your website not just for yourself but also for your users. The navigation should be intuitive, links should be easy to find, and it’s crucial that your site is mobile-friendly. 

I use Google Analytics to track how visitors interact with my site, so I can continuously make improvements. User experience isn’t a one-and-done deal; it’s an ongoing process.

Add essential pages

This might sound cliché, but every page on your website should serve a purpose and deliver value. At the very least, you should have an “About Us” page to tell your story, a “Contact”’ page for potential clients to reach you, and a “Services and Products” section to showcase what you offer. 

I also recommend a blog if you’re in a field where you can provide expert insights. Your blog not only shows your expertise but also helps with SEO, so it’s a win-win. We go over content more in the next step.

Customizing your website is both an art and a science. It’s an opportunity to showcase your brand’s personality while also creating a functional, user-friendly platform that serves your business goals. From the template you choose to the user experience you provide, each element should be carefully thought out. 

Invest the time and resources into this step—it’s well worth it, and the impact on your online success can be substantial.

Step 5: Add content and pages

After you’ve settled on a design and layout for your website, it’s time to focus on what truly makes it valuable: the content. Content isn’t just filler; it’s the meat of your website, and it’s what draws and keeps your audience engaged. Here’s a simple structure to start with that’s served me well in my own content agency.


Think of your home page as the first impression you make on a visitor. This page should clearly state who you are, what you do, and what value you bring. 

In my case, I emphasize my approachable yet expert writing style right off the bat. The goal is to grab your audience’s attention and entice them to explore further.

About us

Even as a one-person operation, it’s essential to have an “About Us” page. People like to know who they’re dealing with, and this is where you can show some personality. Share your story, your values, and what makes your brand unique. 

For me, I share my journey in setting up a content agency, emphasizing my focus on delivering quality and straightforward content.

Services and products

This section is your chance to delve into the details of what you offer. Be it services or products, lay it all out here. 

I clearly state the different types of content I can create, from blog posts to whitepapers, and how each can add value to a business. This is where you can truly show off your expertise and encourage potential clients to take the next step.

Contact information

Don’t make people hunt for a way to contact you. Have a dedicated page with multiple ways to get in touch: phone number, email, and even a contact form. For my agency, I also include my social media handles as additional avenues for connection.

Blog posts

A blog is an incredible tool for demonstrating your expertise and providing value to your audience. I regularly update my blog with posts that align with my brand’s voice—approachable and expert—covering topics that I know will benefit my audience. 

A blog is also excellent for SEO purposes, helping your site rank higher on search engines.

Adding content and pages is a pivotal step in your website-building journey. Each page serves a specific purpose and adds a different layer of value to your website. As someone who’s been through this process, I can vouch for the impact well-crafted content can have on your site’s success. Don’t skimp on it!

Step 6: Optimize your website for search engines

First things first: keywords. These are the bread and butter of SEO. As someone who writes in an approachable and expert manner, I know that jamming keywords awkwardly into content is a no-go. 

The trick is to use them naturally. Say you’re writing a blog post about “content marketing strategies.” That phrase should flow naturally in your content, appearing in the title, a couple of subheadings, and throughout the article. 

But don’t overdo it—search engines and readers can spot keyword stuffing from a mile away.

Focus on quality content

Next up is quality content. Trust me, Google loves quality as much as your readers do. Write informative, engaging, and useful content that solves a problem or answers a question. Not only will this attract more visitors, but it will also make them stick around, reducing your bounce rate, which is a big thumbs-up in Google’s book.

Optimize meta descriptions

Meta descriptions are another vital piece of the puzzle. This is the short blurb that appears under your title in search engine results. Make it snappy and relevant. Remember, you’ve got about 160 characters to convince someone to click, so make them count.

Don’t ignore technical aspects

Lastly, don’t forget about the technical aspects. Make sure your site is mobile-friendly, has fast load times, and includes proper header tags. These are often overlooked, but they play a massive role in your rankings.

By following these guidelines, I’ve seen a noticeable improvement in my site’s search engine rankings, and you can too. Take it from me: invest the time in SEO, and you’ll reap the rewards down the line.

Step 7: Test and launch your website

Launching a website is a big milestone, but it’s only the first step in establishing a thriving online presence; what comes next is equally important.

Pre-launch checks

Before launching, test your website for any broken links, loading times, and mobile responsiveness. You wouldn’t want to roll out the red carpet with wrinkles, would you? Once everything looks good, you’re ready to go live.

Importance of promotion

After putting in all the hard work to build my website, the next crucial step is to get the word out there. Trust me, if you build it, they won’t necessarily come—unless you put in some legwork to promote it.

Leverage social media

For my one-person content agency, I lean heavily on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and even Instagram. LinkedIn is particularly effective because it connects me directly to professionals who need what I’m offering—high-quality content written in an approachable yet expert style.

Don’t neglect email marketing

Email marketing is more powerful than it’s given credit for. Writing in a straightforward, natural language, my newsletters resonate well with my audience. Sending out a weekly or biweekly newsletter not only keeps my audience engaged but also drives consistent traffic back to my site.

Collaborate and guest post

Finally, collaborations and guest posts are often underestimated but can be goldmines. By writing an expert guest article for a reputable site in your niche, you can tap into their existing audience and funnel some of that traffic back to your own website.

Are you ready to start your own affordable website?

So, there you have it—a comprehensive guide to not only launching your website but also ensuring it thrives in the crowded digital landscape. Trust me, the effort you put into each step will pay dividends in the form of increased traffic, engagement, and even revenue. 

From picking the right website builder to optimizing SEO and leveraging social media, each aspect plays a vital role in your site’s success.

Remember, you don’t have to go it alone. If you’re looking for expertly crafted content that speaks directly to your audience, or if you need more personalized guidance on any step of this process, feel free to reach out. 

I’ve walked this path and know the pitfalls to avoid and shortcuts to success. Don’t hesitate to contact me; I’m here to help make your website the best it can be.

👉 Contact Me Now 👈

FAQ: How to make a website for cheap

Absolutely. You can definitely create a professional-looking website without breaking the bank. I started my one-person content agency on a budget, and I found that there are plenty of affordable options out there. Builders like Wix and Squarespace offer reasonable pricing plans, and they’re incredibly user-friendly. If you’re tech-savvy, you could even go with WordPress, which is free—you’ll just need to pay for hosting and possibly some premium plugins. By being smart about which features are essential for your needs, you can absolutely make a limited budget work for you.

Yes, several website builders offer free plans, and they’re not too shabby for getting started. Wix, WordPress, and Weebly all have free options. Just bear in mind that “free” usually comes with limitations—like less storage, no custom domain name, and the platform’s branding on your site. While it’s a good way to start and experiment, you’ll likely want to upgrade to a paid plan as your business grows. I started with a free WordPress site and eventually switched to a paid plan for more features and control.

Certainly. Custom domain names can be surprisingly affordable. I’ve found that domain registrars like Namecheap or GoDaddy offer domains for as little as $10–$15 per year. Sometimes, your chosen website builder will include a custom domain as part of their paid plans, so that’s another way to save. Remember, the domain name is crucial as it’s your online identity, so it’s one of those things that’s worth investing a small amount in.

The time it takes can vary widely depending on your specific needs and technical expertise, but it’s definitely possible to get a basic website up within a week or even a few days. For my content agency, I spent about two weeks from start to finish, taking the time to create quality content and making sure the SEO elements were in place. Builders like Wix or Squarespace can expedite this process with their easy-to-use interfaces and templates. If you’re on a budget, you’re probably doing most of the work yourself, so set aside some focused time to get it done. It’s an investment that pays off.

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